Technical Features
System specifications and technical data.
Probatch technical Features
Information on the techincal components of Probatch for operators, engineers and managers with good understanding of batching control system operation.
Back End
PC Components
Other Features
Standard Features
Raw Materials
Qty: Unlimited; Lot Tracking; Potency calculations; Import from external system.
Qtf: Unlimited; Import from least cost package, Versioning system; Machine Paremeters.
Job Scheduling
Qty: Unlimited; Arrange via delivery date, sales order, production order; Pause, Stop, Schedule and Continue functionality; Online and real-time substitutions; Adjustment journals.
Double entry system to the lot level; Transaction based; Import form external system; Stocktake; Production Loss calculations; General Journal entries; Stock transfers; Future usage calculations; Raw material receival; Finished Product dispatch;
Engineering Parameterisation
All parameters in the control system are accessible in the GUI (with suitable permissions); Help and allowable ranges available for each parameter; Changes are logged;
Alarming System and Control system alarms; Real time and historical displays and reports; statistics are kept mapping alarms to the devices and dunctions that generated them for analysis. Alarms are also tagged to individual batches and production runs for analysis;
Control Software
All control software is written in IEC 61131 languages with all control system I/O and interlocking in Ladder Logic for easy diagnosis by your electrician.
Manual Functions
All devices may be controlled in manual mode from the GUI, high and low levels may be overriden.
ERP systems, accountancy systems, weigh indicators, bagging machines, third party press extruder and expander controllers, palletisers, throughput weighers etc…
System Lifecycle
Real Time Probatch Dashboard
Contact us
STreamline your operations with Probatch
Speak with the Bitwise engineers about their flagship automated control systems unrivalled output, efficiency and automation engineering Australia. These are just some of the benefits Probatch will deliver for your operation.