
Seamless planning and scheduling of out-loading/dispatch. 


Take complete control of your dispatch planning. The dispatch module communicates with all other areas of Probatch and also third party integrations for a ‘one-stop-shop’ for dispatching.

The dispatch module will show you exactly how much product you have in holdings and what your future production timeframes are. Your logistics manager can effortlessly plan future dispatches with Probatch.

The system can integrate RFID tracking of vehicles due to pickup a delivery, match dispatches with contracts and purchase orders, accurately weigh product for dispatch, create reports for drivers to give to the end user. Having a highly accurate dispatch system ensures complete transparency and trust between you and your customers.

Real Time Probatch Dashboard 

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STreamline your operations with Probatch

Speak with the Bitwise engineers about their flagship automated control systems unrivalled output, efficiency and automation engineering Australia. These are just some of the benefits Probatch will deliver for your operation. 

automated batching system

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